Non-Public School Funding

Action Alert
The proposed State budget, as it stands right now, includes significant cuts to the non-public funding our students and schools receive. Nursing and technology services have been drastically reduced and the funding for school security has been completely eliminated. In the current budget, the per pupil amount for transportation remains frozen at $884.00.  This rate has remind the same for the past 9 years.

We need your help!  Please contact your legislators and senators and let them know, as a community, that we are very concerned about these cuts to our schools. We need this information to be shared and acted on by as many parents as possible, so please share the information with your family and friends as well. Like voting in Hudson county, it is also something you can do more than once! Keep contacting your legislators and senators right up to the end of June when the budget will be finalized. We need to be like the woman in the Gospel and keep going back and asking on behalf of our students and schools.

To make your communication easy, you can use the New Jersey Catholic Conference Faith-In-Action Voter Voice System. When you follow the link below, there will be 3 separate letters that each require your name at the end and then you will be asked for your contact information. When you submit your completed form, you will get an e-mail back regarding a code. You can ignore that request. It is only necessary if you want to change any of your contact information.

NJCC Voter Voice System

Please see the Budget Alert from the New Jersey Catholic Conference for more details and if you have any questions.

Thank you for your help in advocating on behalf of our students and schools!

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